The list of courses that I have taken during my graduate studies:
- IEMS 401: Intemediate Statistics
- IEMS 441: Social Network Analysis
- IEMS 450-I: Mathematical Programming I
- IEMS 490: Heathcare Analytics
- IEMS 435: Introduction to Stochastic Simulation
- IEMS 460: Stochastic Models
- IEMS 480-I: Production and Logistics I
- IEMS 480-II: Production and Logistics II
- IEMS 490: Robust Optimization
- IEMS 490: Convex Optimization
- IEMS 450-II: Mathematical Programming II
- IEMS 462: Predictive Analytics I
- OPNS 516: Stochastic Foundations
- STAT 420-I: Statistical Theory and Methodology I
- STAT 461: Advanced Survey Sampling
- IEMS 455: Machine Learning
- STAT 420-II: Statistical Theory and Methodology II
- IE 501: Optimization Techniques I
- IE 505: Stochastic Processes & Aplications
- IE 520: Quality Management
- IE 508: Statistical Inference
- IE 516: Combinatorial Optimization
- IE 517: Heuristic Methods in Optimization
- CMPE 544: Pattern Recognition
- IE 485: Nonlinear Models in Operations Research
- IE 524: Planning of Production Systems
- IE 582: Statistical Learning for Data Mining
- IE 598: Advanced Graph Theory
- IE 515: Graphs & Network Flows
- MATH 331: Real Analysis I
- IE 611: Integer Programming
- CMPE 462: Machine Learning